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Showing posts from July, 2020

Covid-19 Decisions are Tough

What do you want to do about the wedding?   Let me begin by telling you, there is no wrong answer!   The truth is, what you really want is for  Covid to disappear and for everything to go back to the way it was.   But since that isn’t going to happen, it’s time to move into finding out what you should be doing, or how you should be thinking about your wedding day. Let me change the question and ask you something entirely new:   What is it about your wedding that will bring you joy now and into the future? And here is the kicker:   BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF Not everyone can say, “Just being married to the love of my life is all I need”.   If you can say that with 100% honesty then you can stop reading now – you’re all set!   Go elope and enjoy it to the fullest!   Savor the moments with your hunny, get some sweet pics, and ride off into the sunset.   That was easy! But what if that’s not you?   What if “being married” is only part of the picture.   What if for you, looking ba