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What Makes a Bridezilla? How you could be becoming one and not even know it!

What do you envision when you hear the word “Bridezilla”? Most imagine a monster, dressed in a wedding dress, throwing a tantrum at everyone in her path. While that would certainly qualify, experienced wedding vendors have a different idea of what can land you with that dreaded nickname. BEING TOO PASSIVE: This is YOUR big day. So when you refuse to make any concrete decisions, it allows anyone and everyone to step in to fill those shoes, which brings in too many “spoons in the pot”. If you already know that decision making or having an authoritative voice is not your strong suit, assign one person to be the “go-to” for final decisions. Make sure it’s someone you trust to execute your vision AND someone you feel comfortable being totally honest with. BEING TOO RIGID: You have put your foot down and you just won’t budge on any change in your plans. We know you’ve paid a lot of money and spent a lot of time planning this day and you aren’t going to let anyone or anything change your plans, but THINGS CHANGE. Sometimes those things are actually in your favor, and sometimes you just have to suck it up, buttercup! UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: Your vision of your wedding can be well beyond your reach, and that puts your vendors under pressure. We do our best to set your expectations in reality, but if you refuse (there is that “rigid” thing again) to trust us when we say that it’s going to be dark before you get to your photos if you don’t move your ceremony time earlier, well, then….you’re officially a BZ! POOR COMMUNICATION: True professional wedding vendors want to do their best for every client, and that means we need your INPUT. Whether it’s filling out required questionnaires, answering questions in a timely manner or informing vendors of changes, keeping the lines of communication open are essential to staying out of the BZ zone. REBEL WITH A CAUSE: You may have a good reason to want to break the rules, but still, it puts your vendors in an awkward situation. We have to maintain a good working relationship with the entire industry to keep our business successful, so when we get caught in the middle of what you WANT to do, and what you’re contractually ALLOWED to do, it definitely makes you less Chill-a and more Zill-a.


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