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Showing posts from October, 2019

Day-of Stress Minimizing Tips

I've seen my share of wedding days go perfectly smoothly and I've seen my share of the ones that don't.  In both cases, the experience of the bride and groom is what ultimately determines how they look back on their day.  Even the worst of days can be remembered as "perfect" when they don't impede on the couple's ability to enjoy themselves and be in the moment together.   Here are some tips that can help you out no matter what comes your way on wedding day: 1) Separate Yourself - if your wedding party is starting to get to you, take a break!  Don't let drama creep in on this day.  Having a little time to yourself can be accomplished by getting ready a little ahead of the group and then stepping out for some photos and a breather! 2) Designate a Buffer Person - a little different than a DD, this person will be the "catch all" for communications meant for you.  They will decide when and what needs to actually be told to you directly.  Make s...

Top 5 things to NEVER say when you are asking for a Discount on your Wedding

Are you desperate to save a few bucks on your wedding?  Have you been reaching out to some wedding vendors hoping someone will realize your budget is already at it's max?   Is it totally backfiring and getting you nowhere? Here are some things you may be saying that are closing the door before you even have a chance: 1) "We're paying for this ourselves" - Here at Wedding's Worth we like to be direct....the harsh truth is your wedding vendors don't care who is paying for it.  They are trying to make a living wage, so where the money comes from doesn't matter, just so it comes! 2) "There are only 50 Guests" - large or small, most vendor's jobs are the same for every wedding.  The pressure of it being a one time event isn't changed by the size of the guest list.  Obviously services that charge by the person will be less overall, unless that vendor has a minimum to meet.  Keep in mind, vendors who specialize in only weddings have a limi...

Don't Say the "D" Word - How to get the best pricing on Wedding Services

To most of us, the word "discount" is exciting.  It means we are about to save some serious bucks on something we are longing to purchase and just didn't have the funds.  Did you know discount can also have a negative meaning? The dictionary also defines discounting as this: "To regard (a possibility, fact, or person) as being unworthy of consideration because it lacks credibility." Yikes!  When you ask a wedding vendor for a discount, are you also saying that you don't think they are worthy of their regular rates? This is why it's a good idea to skip the "D" word and instead ask "Do you have any promotions available?" Here are some other great tips to help you get the absolute best pricing on your wedding: 1) "We are able to spend up to..." By sharing your actual budget, a vendor is able to tell you exactly what they can or can not do in that price range.  It is not a way for them to overcharge you, but ...